Well, if I move this large bus to the football team for Wednesday, and this smaller bus to the golf team for Thursday morning, and this charter bus to the football team for Friday … No, wait, that won’t work … UGH! Sound familiar? The challenges that face private school and college athletic directors when it comes to transporting teams, is no easy task. Just when they think everything is perfectly set for team transportation, just one minor change messes up the entire game plan; not to mention if your only CDL licensed driver calls out the day that they are needed.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had the option to add more buses to your fleet, without the school having to go out and spend capital dollars on new buses, and then absorb depreciation? Well, wish no more … Busmax, offers discounted rentals on 15, 25, 33 and 44 passenger bus rentals and leases. No matter if you have a need for just the busy Spring or Fall Seasons, or the need to increase your fleet for the entire school-term; Busmax, offers discounted rates to schools. A longer-term option is our two-year lease program.

With a monthly rental or a long-term lease, we can even have the bus stickered prior to delivery! Busmax, delivers to anywhere in the U.S.A. .

So, the next time you are stuck and don’t know the next move to make with arranging logistics, reach out to Busmax Rent-A-Bus, and let us help you to make a game-winning move!  #busrentaltennessee #busrentalgeorgia

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