In the Film Industry, the person who faces one of the most difficult tasks, is the Picture Car Coordinator. If the director wants a 1920 Peerless Model that is beige and gray, that is what the Coordinator must find. This is because films, television shows, and commercials are written to be era specific. So, if a movie takes place during World War 11, all of the feature and background vehicles have to be from this era. Without that accuracy, the movie could not be credible.
With era-specific vehicles, movies are so accurate that few people wonder where the vintage cars came from. I recently visited the home camp for a Marvel Movie. The picture car lot was speckled with very small green cars with Japanese writing on the sides. I asked the Picture Car Captain where they came from, and discovered that they were actually shipped here from Japan.
Much of the time, if a Coordinator cannot locate a requested vehicle, and entire scene has to be rewritten.
City Buses are one of the most difficult vehicles to locate in the Atlanta Market. The 1999 Low-Floor Gillig pictured is available from Busmax Production Rentals.
Will this beauty star in your next film?
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